No Eight-hour Working Day

then; they were on duty from the rising of the morning till the

stars appeared. They did not take off their clothes except to wash

them. Fancy, this man who came from the Persian court with all its

luxury, living and sleeping in his clothes for those fifty-two days!

But he was in earnest. Ah, that is what we want! men who will set

themselves to do one thing, and keep at it day and night.

All the people were bidden to lodge within the city, so that they

should always be on hand to work and fight. Would to God that we

could get all who belong inside the church to come in and do their

share. "Happy is the church," says one, "whose workers are well

skilled in the use of the Scripture, so that while strenuously

building the Gospel Wall, they can fight too, if occasion require

it." We ought all be ready to use the Sword of the Spirit.

By and by the men wrote a friendly letter, and wanted Nehemiah to go

down on the plain of Ono and have a friendly discussion. It is

