The Celebration Of Feasts

"Seven days shalt thou celebrate feasts to the Lord thy God, in the

place which the Lord shalt choose" (Deut. xvi. 15).

"If he will not hear the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and

the publican" (Matt. xviii. 17).

FROM these texts we learn that besides the Sunday God wishes certain

other days to be observed religiously, and that the Church has the power

of designating these days.

As the State sets aside certain national holidays in commemoration of

its founder or of the Declaration of Independence, so the Church sets

aside these holidays in honor of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin, and

the saints.

Besides the feasts celebrated on Sundays, there are in this country but

six holidays of obligation. Three of these are commemorative of events

in the life of Our Lord: Christmas, the Circumcision, and the Ascension;

two, the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption, in honor of the

Blessed Virgin; and one in honor of God's saints--the Feast of All


The ecclesiastical year begins in Advent. Advent is a period of about

four weeks of penance and prayer preparatory to the great feast of

Christmas and corresponding to the penitential season of Lent before

Easter. During the ecclesiastical year, the first of the feasts of

obligation in the order of time is the feast of the Immaculate


It is celebrated on the 8th of December. On this day we commemorate the

fact that Mary was immaculate when she first came into being in her

mother's womb; that she was always pure; that sin never touched her fair

soul. Immaculate Conception, as you will see in the article on the

Blessed Virgin, means that she was always free from sin.

The great feast of Christmas, in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ,

is celebrated on December 25th. This feast is a time of joy and peace to

all mankind, and is celebrated by the Church with much pomp and


The festival of the Circumcision is kept on the first day of the new

year. It is commemorative of Our Lord's strict observance of the law by

submitting to the Jewish ceremony of circumcision. We solemnly celebrate

the day in honor of our merciful Lord, who is our model in all things.

Next in the order of time is the feast of the Ascension. It is kept

forty days after the grand feast of Easter, and is in honor of Our

Lord's glorious ascension into heaven.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, celebrated the 15th of August,

is commemorative of the glorious taking up to heaven of Mary, soul and

body. (This is a pious tradition.)

All Saints' Day is November 1st. Every day is a saint's day. There is

not a day that the Catholic Church does not celebrate a feast in honor

of some special mystery or saint. But as there are more saints in heaven

than could be thus specially honored, she sets aside this one day every

year in honor of all the saints in heaven.

There are various other important feasts, some of which fall on Sunday;

but these we have mentioned being feasts of obligation to be observed as

Sunday, it was thought that it would not be uninteresting to give a

short explanation of them.

On them we honor God and His special friends. Let us always, by faith,

hope, and love, bear Jesus in our minds and hearts.

