Wants To Give Money
for his cure. How many people want to do the same nowadays. Why it
would have spoiled the story of grace if the prophet had taken
anything! You may give a thank-offering to God's cause, not to
purchase salvation, but because you are saved. The Lord doesn't
charge anything to save you. It is "without money and without
price." The prophet Elisha refused to take anything, and I can
imagine no one felt more rejoiced than h
Naaman starts back to Damascus a very different man than he was when
he left it. The dark cloud has gone from his mind; he is no longer a
leper, in fear of dying from a loathsome disease. He lost the
leprosy in Jordan when he did what the man of God told him; and if
you obey the voice of God, even while I am speaking to you, the
burden of your sins will fall from off you, and you shall be
cleansed. It is all done through faith and obedience.
Let us see what Naaman's faith led him to believe. "And he returned
to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood
before him: and he said, Behold, now I know that there is no God in
all the earth, but in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, take a
blessing of thy servant."
What I want particularly to call your attention to is the words