Many Josephs Today
men of position, of whom it could be said they are secret disciples.
Such would probably say to-day, "I do not need to take my stand on
Christ's side. What more do I need? I have everything." We read
that he was a rich and honorable councillor, a just and a good man,
and holding a high position in the government of the nation. He was
also a benevolent man, and a devout man too. What more could he
need? God wants someth
ng more than Joseph's good life and high
position. A man may be all Joseph was and yet be without Christ.
But a crisis came in his history. If he was to take his stand, now
was the time for him to do it, I consider that this is one of the
grandest, the noblest acts that any man ever did, to take his stand
for Christ when there seemed nothing, humanly speaking, that Christ
could give him. Joseph had no hope concerning the resurrection. It
seems that none of our Lord's disciples understood that He was going
to rise again even Peter, James, and John, as well as the rest,
scarcely believed that He had risen when He appeared to them. They
had anticipated that He would set up His kingdom, but He had no
sceptre in His hand; and, so far as they could see, no kingdom in
view. In fact, He was dead on the cross, with nails through His
hands and feet. There He hung until His spirit took its flight; that
which had made Him so grand, so glorious, and so noble, had now left
the body.
Joseph might have said, "It will be no use my taking a stand for Him
now. If I come out and confess Him I shall probably lose my position
in society and in the council, and my influence. I had better remain
where I am."
There was no earthly reward for him; there was nothing, humanly
speaking, that could have induced him to come out; and yet we are
told by Mark that he went boldly into Pilate's judgment-hall and
begged the body of Jesus. I consider this was